Yale’s Skinner-Trowbridge House by Gladys Montgomery Jones – Early American Life, February 2002

Estimate the number of historic buildings demolished each year because American communities can't figure out how to use them, and you would—conservatively—reach a number in the hundreds. Internationally, the number is much greater. "Unlike a picture or a statue, a building must continue to justify itself on more than artistic grounds," wrote Constance Greiff [...]

By |2018-04-20T16:01:28+00:00April 20th, 2018|Media, Commercial, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Yale’s Skinner-Trowbridge House by Gladys Montgomery Jones – Early American Life, February 2002

Eyes on the Yard by Derek H. Trelstad – Building Renovation, Summer 1994

Completed in early January 1993, Weld Hall looks now as it did when it was originally built in 1870. Brick and sandstone were cleaned and fire escapes were removed, replaced by fire code compliant interior stairs. The new wood sash installed as part of a comprehensive dormitory improvement program at Harvard University feature [...]

By |2018-07-12T14:57:45+00:00November 29th, 2017|Media, Commercial, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Eyes on the Yard by Derek H. Trelstad – Building Renovation, Summer 1994